
4th Berlin summer artworkshop 2019

Zuse Meyer 4th Art Workshop in Berlin Doing Art with the Artist

2019 July 27th /28th
Zuse Meyer, internationally active, German artist and poet, with teaching experiences at Tokyo Institute of Technology, Tongji University Shanghai and Tainan National University of the Arts, is holding the 4th summer workshop in Berlin.
Everybody is aware and sensitive to a certain extent.

This workshop is about getting in touch with yourself – your perception / feelings/ thoughts – in order to expand and deepen your awareness – thus your creativity.
This two-day-journey through Berlin is a journey towards your inner self. No matter how complex and strong the stimulations from the outer world might be – the center of awareness can only be IN YOURSELF. You are the center/ the starting point of all your creations.
Art is not about perceiving or doing something in a general way – there is no standard, no measure to be fulfilled. Art is about getting in touch with your feelings, your intelligence and your sensitivity. Your most valuable creations are the creations that only YOU can do – nobody else can express what only you can express – your own precious world.
Create your own magnificent journey during two days in Berlin.
Two day intensive workshop in Germany
July 27th 9:00-18:30
July 28th 9:00-18:30
(with breaks for lunch and tea-time)
In this Workshop, in the enchanting late summer atmosphere of Berlin, Zuse Meyer will give guidance to specifically beautiful places in Berlin. Depending on the weather the workshop will include walks in urban environment, several hours within Nature, the visit of a contemporary art exhibition and the visit of an artist’s studio. All activities are connected with practices in the arts.
The participants will be of different nationalities, gender and age, and an important point will be the communication within the group through the arts. Maximum number will be around 6 or 7 participants.
Participation fee is 300 Euro for 2 days.
All materials will be provided.
Meals and entrance fees are excluded (for foreign students an international student card is recommended).
Application should be done until 15th of July 2019 via email


A three-day-intensive Art Workshop of Zuse Meyer

One of the most gorgeous secret spots of European civilization ‒ the shore of the Lake Maggiore at the southern edge of the Alps ‒ here, the small town of Cannobio, founded by the Romans around 2000 years before.
 The splendor of the lake, the huge blue sky and the lush green mountains, their reflections on the water, silent gardens, architecture full of history ‒ the affluent beauty of the Lake Maggiore has attracted and inspired an illustrious number of European artists for centuries, among them the German writer Hermann Hesse*.
The goal of the workshop will be to raise awareness and sensitivity towards the surroundings and towards our feelings and personal ways of perception. “The joy of life, is the joy of being conscious”. Spending three days within the relaxing, soft atmosphere of the lake, being stimulated by a totally fresh environment and infinite forms of beauty, we can open ourselves in new, joyful and creative ways. The exquisite preciousness of the hours will be deepened and expressed through the multiple creative approaches.
13th to 15th of August 2019
First day: 10.00-17.30 WITHIN NATURE. Easy walk into the near mountains. Exercises in writing, drawing and painting
Second day: 10.00-17.30 ON THE BOAT TO AN ISLAND Quick and slow sketches during the boat trip ‒ watercolor paintings in the tropical garden of the Isola Madre Island
Third day: 10.00-17.30 IN THE TOWN Walks in Cannobio ‒ writing, drawing and painting at selected spots.
At all three days, there will be tea- and lunch-breaks in between.
The days will be active and productive, but with a natural easy rhythm.
Language: English and Japanese
Maximum number of participants ‒ 6 persons. Participation fee ‒ 450 Euro (all materials included ‒ consumption in restaurants, fee for the boat trip and entrance fee on the island are excluded)
There is a choice of hotels and apartments available in Cannobio and also a very beautiful nearby camping ground (Camping Riveria Cannobio). Booking should be done by the participants.
Reservation of the workshop is required until 31st of July. Early reservation is recommended.
Reservation by email to
*Cannobio is located on the Western shore of the lake, Italian part, directly at the boarder to Switzerland. So you can enjoy Italian hospitality and gorgeous meals. And also visit the famous Swiss resorts of Locarno and Ascona, easily accessible by boat. From there trips are possible to the famous Centovalli region, the Maggia Valley etc.


Zuse Meyerによるカノービオの三日間の集中アートワークショップ2019
目的: ヨーロッパ文明の隠された本当の心が宿る、アルプスの麓にある、イタリア カノービオの豊かな環境のもとで、自分自身の感性を全開させ、これまで気付くことのなかった新たな見方をえて、「人生の喜びは心を開き新たなことに気づくことである」を創造的な作品制作を通して体験する。
8月13日10−17時30分 自然に取り囲まれて文章作成、スケッチ、絵画作成
4日10−17時30分 ボートに乗って、素早いスケッチとゆったりしたスケッチ、イソラマドレ島の熱帯植物園で絵具での絵画作成
5日10−17時30分 カノービオの街中で、文章作成、スケッチ、絵画作成
最大人数: 6名
参加費: 450ユーロ 材料費込み 食事、入園料、二日目の船賃は含まれません。宿泊場所の予約は各自でお願いいいたします。参加希望の方は7月31日までZuse Meyer までおしらせください。早めにご連絡頂けると幸いです。



3rd Berlin summer artworkshop 2018

Zuse Meyer 3rd Art Workshop in Berlin Doing Art with the Artist
2018 September 7th /8th

Zuse Meyer, internationally active, German artist and poet, with teaching experiences at Tokyo Institute of Technology, Tongji University Shanghai and Tainan National University of the Arts, is holding the 3rd summer workshop in Berlin.

Everybody is aware and sensitive to a certain extent.
This workshop is about getting in touch with yourself – your perception / feelings/ thoughts – in order to expand and deepen your awareness – thus your creativity.

This two-day-journey through Berlin is a journey towards your inner self. No matter how complex and strong the stimulations from the outer world might be – the center of awareness can only be IN YOURSELF. You are the center/ the starting point of all your creations.
Art is not about perceiving or doing something in a general way – there is no standard, no measure to be fulfilled. Art is about getting in touch with your feelings, your intelligence and your sensitivity. Your most valuable creations are the creations that only YOU can do – nobody else can express what only you can express – your own precious world.
Create your own magnificent journey during two days in Berlin.

Two day intensive workshop in Germany

September 7th 9:00-18:30
September 8th 9:00-18:30
(with breaks for lunch and tea-time)

In this Workshop, in the enchanting late summer atmosphere of Berlin, Zuse Meyer will give guidance to specifically beautiful places in Berlin. Depending on the weather the workshop will include walks in urban environment, several hours within Nature, the visit of a contemporary art exhibition and the visit of an artist’s studio. All activities are connected with practices in the arts.

The participants will be of different nationalities, gender and age, and an important point will be the communication within the group through the arts. Maximum number will be around 6 or 7 participants.

Participation fee is 300 Euro for 2 days.

All materials will be provided.

Meals and entrance fees are excluded (for foreign students an international student card is recommended).

Application should be done until 15th of July 2018.



japanische Version:

Information über den Workshop
A three-day-intensive Art Workshop of Zuse Meyer
Zuse Meyerによるカノービオの三日間の集中アートワークショップ2018 (日本語は最後をご覧ください)
One of the most gorgeous secret spots of European civilization ‒ the shore of the Lake Maggiore at the southern edge of the Alps ‒ here, the small town of Cannobio, founded by the Romans around 2000 years before.
The splendor of the lake, the huge blue sky and the lush green mountains, their reflections on the water, silent gardens, architecture full of history ‒ the affluent beauty of the Lake Maggiore has attracted and inspired an illustrious number of European artists for centuries, among them the German writer Hermann Hesse*.
The goal of the workshop will be to raise awareness and sensitivity towards the surroundings and towards our feelings and personal ways of perception. “The joy of life, is the joy of being conscious”. Spending three days within the relaxing, soft atmosphere of the lake, being stimulated by a totally fresh environment and infinite forms of beauty, we can open ourselves in new, joyful and creative ways. The exquisite preciousness of the hours will be deepened and expressed through the multiple creative approaches.
15th to 17th of August 2018
First day: 10.00-17.30 WITHIN NATURE. Easy walk into the near mountains. Exercises in writing, drawing and painting
Second day: 10.00-17.30 ON THE BOAT TO AN ISLAND Quick and slow sketches during the boat trip ‒ watercolor paintings in the tropical garden of the Isola Madre Island
Third day: 10.00-17.30 IN THE TOWN Walks in Cannobio ‒ writing, drawing and painting at selected spots.
At all three days, there will be tea- and lunch-breaks in between.
The days will be active and productive, but with a natural easy rhythm.
Language: English and Japanese
Maximum number of participants ‒ 6 persons. Participation fee ‒ 450 Euro (all materials included ‒ consumption in restaurants, fee for the boat trip and entrance fee on the island are excluded)
There is a choice of hotels and apartments available in Cannobio and also a very beautiful nearby camping ground (Camping Riveria Cannobio). Booking should be done by the participants.
Reservation of the workshop is required until 1st of July. Early reservation is recommended.
 Reservation by email to

*Cannobio is located on the Western shore of the lake, Italian part, directly at the boarder to Switzerland. So you can enjoy Italian hospitality and gorgeous meals. And also visit the famous Swiss resorts of Locarno and Ascona, easily accessible by boat. From there trips are possible to the famous Centovalli region, the Maggia Valley etc.

Zuse Meyer によるカノービオの三日間の集中アートワークショップ2018
目的: ヨーロッパ文明の隠された本当の心が宿る、アルプスの麓にある、イタリア カノービオの豊かな環境のもとで、自分自身の感性を全開させ、これまで気付くことのなかった新たな見方をえて、「人生の喜びは心を開き新たなことに気づくことである」を創造的な作品制作を通して体験する。
8月15日10−17時30分 自然に取り囲まれて文章作成、スケッチ、絵画作成
16日10−17時30分 ボートに乗って、素早いスケッチとゆったりしたスケッチ、イソラマドレ島の熱帯植物園で絵具での絵画作成
17日10−17時30分 カノービオの街中で、文章作成、スケッチ、絵画作成
最大人数: 6名
参加費: 450ユーロ 材料費込み 食事、入園料、二日目の船賃は含まれません。宿泊場所の予約は各自でお願いいいたします。参加希望の方は7月1日までZuse Meyer までおしらせください。早めにご連絡頂けると幸いです。



Workshop Art History and Design: ART AND MYTHOLOGY

Tainan National University of the Arts